東京都荒川区南千住4-7-1 BiVi南千住2階 南千住駅すぐの矯正歯科
Utilizing the flexibility of the growing jaw allows teeth to be moved efficiently. During the growth phase, as teeth erupt and the jaw bone is still developing, the alignment of teeth and bite undergoes changes. There are various conditions of malocclusion such as overcrowding, protrusion, underbite, and lack of space for permanent teeth. Therefore, it is crucial to perform effective orthodontic treatment at the appropriate timing while observing the progress.
At our clinic, we perform orthodontic treatment at the right timing while considering the future of growing children.
Orthodontic treatment extends over a long period and requires frequent visits, which may be a significant burden for parents accompanying their children to every appointment. On the other hand, if children attend appointments alone, parents may feel anxious about not knowing the treatment details. To alleviate these burdens and anxieties, our clinic contacts parents if their children attend appointments alone, providing information about the treatment received and future considerations.
〒116-0003 Tokyo, Arakawa-ku, Minamisenju 4-7-1, BiVi Minamisenju 2nd Floor