
東京都荒川区南千住4-7-1 BiVi南千住2階 南千住駅すぐの矯正歯科



Surface Orthodontics

Anterior alignment correction is a method that involves attaching brackets to the surface of the teeth and moving the teeth by pulling wires through them. It is the oldest method of orthodontic treatment and can address various cases. Because the speed of tooth movement is fast, the treatment period is often shorter compared to other methods. It is also more cost-effective than lingual orthodontics.

In the past, metal brackets were predominant, but recently, there are white or transparent brackets and wires that match the color of the teeth, allowing for "less noticeable anterior alignment correction." Our clinic also provides orthodontic treatment using multi-bracket appliances made of inconspicuous white plastic.

Anterior alignment correction has a long history of successful treatment and can be applied to various cases. Even severe malocclusions that are difficult to treat with other methods can be adjusted precisely in terms of the force and direction applied to the teeth.

For those who are considered challenging cases or are unsure if they can undergo treatment, please don't hesitate to consult our clinic.


  • - Reduces the feeling of conspicuousness in appearance
  • - - Unlike metal brackets, there is minimal discomfort in appearance, as there is no glare of metal when the mouth is open, and they are hardly noticeable from a distance.
  • - Applicable to most malocclusions
  • - The range of application is wide, making it suitable for most people seeking orthodontic treatment.
  • - Lower cost
  • - Treatment costs are lower compared to lingual orthodontics. Recommended for those who don't mind the visibility of the appliance to a certain extent.
  • - No impact on pronunciation
  • - There is no impact on speech as there is no contact between the tongue and the appliance, allowing for comfortable conversation as usual.


  • - Since the appliance is on the front side, it is more noticeable than lingual or half-lingual orthodontics.
  • - Since the appliance is on the front side, teeth whitening cannot be performed simultaneously with orthodontic treatment.
  • - During orthodontic treatment, there may be some protrusion of the mouth due to the thickness of the appliance.

Less conspicuous anterior alignment correction is suitable for:

  • - Those who want orthodontic treatment at a lower cost
  • - Those who want to avoid the discomfort of the appliance touching the tongue or the feeling of foreign objects in the mouth
  • - Those who have no resistance to the visibility of the appliance attached to the teeth


〒116-0003 Tokyo, Arakawa-ku, Minamisenju 4-7-1, BiVi Minamisenju 2nd Floor



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